Tuesday, October 9, 2012



the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.

Sample Sentences

  • Christianity and Islam are considered monotheistic religions.
  • There is one key different between Monotheism and Polytheism: the belief in the amount of God(s); with monotheism believing in one God and polytheism believing in many Gods.


Mono- being one and -theism meaning God, Monotheism is the belief in one God. As stated before, Islam, Judaism and Christianity are all monotheistic religions. In the first article "The History of Monotheism", the author speaks primarily about the Jewish religion and faith and its monotheistic values. However, in the second article, the author does speak about Jewish religion, Islamic religion, and Christian religion but he asks the questions if Christian monotheism is reality or illusion. The author further explains that Islam and Judaism both see each other as pure monotheistic religions, however, they believe Christianity to be a non-pure monotheistic religion. This belief stems from the fact that God can take on three different forms.

Visual Representation

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