Most famously known for his hierarchy of needs which consisted of five different levels: Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, and Self Actualization. Maslow was also an American Psychologist who focused on the positive qualities in people.
Sample Sentences
- Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Maslow was the oldest of seven children and was classed as "mentally unstable" by a psychologist.
- Beyond the routine of needs fulfillment, Maslow envisioned moments of extraordinary experience, known as Peak experiences, which are profound moments of love, understanding, happiness, or rapture, during which a person feels more whole, alive, self-sufficient and yet a part of the world, more aware of truth, justice, harmony, goodness, and so on. Self-actualizing people have many such peak experiences.
Maslow was a very important figure of his time and he most definitely left his mark one the world with his "hierarchy of needs". In the first article, the author gives an in depth analysis of the Hierarchy of Needs and what each level needs in order to be fulfilled in order to move on to the next level. One major point of this Hierarchy is that many individuals do not ever reach the Self Actualization stage, rather they remain within the Safety, Love/Belonging, and Esteem stages. In the second article, Maslow, there is a really good criticism part where the author points out that Maslow in creating the Self Actualization stage made it almost impossible for any human to achieve because it only favors few individuals and over time views change on what exactly Self Actualization can be considered and some consider Maslow's requisites of Self Actualization to be out of date.
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