Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Orphic Sages

Orphic Sages

Those associated with Orphism or a religious and philosophical system of the Orphic School. Orphism is a mystery religion of ancient Greece with pre Hellenic beliefs.

Sample Sentences

  • Orphism is one of the early versions of Christianity with an overlapping in Green and Roman mythology.
  • Orphic sages believed that the soul can be reincarnated (and was) and that life is a big cycle.

The Spiritual Foundations

Orphism is associated with the mythical poet of Orpheus who descended into Hades and returned. In the first listed article the author states that Pythagoreanism and Orphism have parallels in their views, however it is uncertain as to which influenced the other. Both articles state the same criteria of Orphism in the sense that human souls are characterized as "divine" however, they are doomed to live in a cycle; by living an ascetic life with secret rites in order to release their souls and be in better communion with God; warning of postmortem punishment for transgressions during life; and being founded upon the sacred writings about the origins of gods and of human beings.

Visual Representation

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